ACTION MECHANISM OF DINO-96 - an interview with Jan Stoj

Dino-96 preparations were known and highly valued years ago. What has happened that despite of high popularity (also outside
Poland) you have disappeared from the market?

The reasons involved tactical and financial aspects, the latter also partially arising from our tactics.

Here I would like to come back to the question asked in a TV program by Professor Einstein responsible for research on AIDS in
the USA, about who financed your research on the substrate? The question referred to astronomical sums of money.

The costs of all research conducted in Poland and some part of it carried out in Russia were covered from the sale of Dino-96 products. The remaining part of the Russian research was conducted to order from the Russian authorities due to their fundamental importance for the science.

There is something I do not understand here! Polish research was financed by Russians?
It is commonly known that in the former Soviet Union the majority of research was intended to respond the needs of the army, among other things, they were looking for preparations which would increase the abilities of the human body in extreme conditions. A great number of theories have been created. I have undertaken to verify one of them. Russian scientists supported me because they themselves had got stuck in the middle of their research. I set up the Dino-96 team and after 5 years I mastered a single-phase biotechnological process and obtained the product Dino-96.


And in Poland?
In the Wroclaw Agricultural University a team was set up under the direction of its present vice-chancellor, professor Mazurkiewicz. It was thanks to their work, often disinterested, performed purely for scientific curiosity, that we started to believe that the theory was being confirmed.

Nobody from authorities has helped you? And you have made presentations for the Polish Sciences Academy (PAN) and at
pharmaceutical fair, haven’t you?

This is what has led to our loss. Our success at the international level was a shock for pharmaceutical concerns. It was Brussels from which a representative of Polish science wanted to throw us out, it was Warsaw where during our nomination to the Golden Star Order (Order Z³otej Gwiazdy) we were told that there was no chance for us as we do not belong to the Warsaw élite. A representative of a central institute told us: “If even just a part of your study is true, then you’d better immediately sold it abroad. In Poland you have no chance for any support” and a government official said, “You are a threat to the world’s pharmacy and we will never let you meet with the UN representatives responsible for orders.”

Could you explain to non-specialists how Dino-96 works?
We have obtained a model matrix of a properly functioning cell. It contains balanced bioenergy information. If it is put into a solution, the solution becomes active and emits radiation of various kind. When the radiation encounters a cell with a defective protein structure (a peptide bond distortion), it causes activation of the protein and an attempt of its spontaneous regulation, namely, a return to its proper structure.

Is this true that Dino-96 diagnoses where there are energy-information blockades or inflammatory conditions inside the body?
And that it can be seen with the naked eye?

Yes, that’s true. Under the influence of Dino-96 bonds inside the cells activate. This results in biochemical and biophysical changes manifesting themselves on the body surface in red coloring of various shades. Based on that, it is possible to initially specify the location and the degree of an inflammatory condition. Sometimes you may watch the course of an inflammatory condition.

They say that a team of Professor Borowski from Warsaw has examined the influence of Dino-96 on patients with cerebral palsy.
What were the effects?

They have exceeded the boldest expectations. 150 people were tested, at the age from half a year to 50 years old. They showed a particular improvement in muscle spasticity.

Your preparation is also supposed to be a medium from the borderland of dermatological medicine and cosmetics. On your Internet site you claim (as opposed to the official medicine) that treatment of psoriasis and, the so called, fish scale is not a problem.
That’s true. By using Dino-96 in the form of a bath lotion, a spray or a cream we support self-healing. The effectiveness of Dino-96 in the cases of psoriasis and fish scale is very high. The effects of its activity are visible already after several hours.

I have heard of sensational instances of cures during the stay of Miss of Poland at fitness sessions organized by your company in Polanica.
Yes, indeed, during her stay almost incredible cases of disease regression took place. I am sure you know Dr Michal Antoniszyn, I invited him to cooperate with me during the therapy sessions conducted using the Dino-96 methodology. He conducted psycho- and , in more difficult cases, hypnotherapy, among others, there was a 35-year-old woman who had suffered from cerebral palsy, with speech disturbances (she could only stutter incomprehensible syllables) and with serious movement problems. Another person with serious psoriasis after many-year stays in hospital. We were all in a shock when after 9-10 days of hypnotherapy the psoriasis disappeared. And even a bigger shock for us was when the first one started to speak fluently again. In those cases the reason was probably an energy information blockade within the psyche.

I have an impression that either you have made a breakthrough in science or you are some extra liars. How did it happen that no one has purchased you? Can you prove the things you have been talking about here to our readers during a public presentation?
What we do seems unreal, especially to specialists who have no humility towards the science. Nobody has acquired us. I think that the reason is simple. Our study infringes the interests of pharmaceutical concerns and the opinion-makers in chemistry, medicine, financial groups… So, they have adopted the method of silent media. We are just not there. Nobody objects against us in order not to publicize the issue. But also attempts of intimidation have happened , among others, during an inventions contest in Gdynia. For more details please see our Internet site:

Due to a high interest among the Readers raised after the previous interview, we would like to obtain more information about the
preparation Dino-96. How and why does it work?

Along with the development of the civilization and the spread of all kinds of diseases, people have been trying hard to find preventive measures. At the same time various medical theories have been created. In the beginning the theories were related to folk and religious transmissions, as well as to the use of the natural preventives the could be found in the nature (herbs, medicinal springs, etc.). As science developed more and more narrow specializations have separated from the whole. They stopped to see the interrelations between various fields of science. And this continues to be like that today.

But also general theories which comprise large areas of human knowledge are created.
Unfortunately, this involves mainly research conducted for the army, covered by an absolute secret and unavailable even for scientists. A great number of theories and solutions have been created, possible to be immediately applied in practice for the good of the mankind. By chance I have encountered and had a possibility to familiarize myself with one of such, almost incredible, theories worked out by Russian scientists. After a few years of work, my team has managed to develop and master the biotechnology of production of the Dino-96 substrate. As I explained last time, we have obtained a model matrix of a properly functioning living cell. It contains a balanced bioenergy information.  If it gets into a solution, the solution becomes active and emits radiation of various kind. When the radiation encounters a cell with a defective protein structure (a peptide bond distortion), it causes activation of the protein and an attempt of its spontaneous regulation, namely, a return to its proper structure, which, as a consequence, may improve the functioning of living systems.

Most simply, after receiving bioenergy information cells or systems in a living organism start to “work’. But a non-professional will
ask why?

It is because under its influence some of the components contained in a living cell are activated. There are physical and chemical changes taking place, which enable the proper functioning.

Are these factors related to your instruction for the user to always first spray the Dino-96 solution along the spine and then to
spread the Dino-96 cream along the wet surface?

Exactly! That simple “operation” is of an essential, even invaluable, importance in each case of any negative changes in a human body. Similarly, we may take a bath with the addition of Dino-96 and then use the Dino-96 cream. Applying this method results in a very quick regulation of the thermal balance in the body, or to put it simply, in the mutual interrelation in the functioning of all systems. Bioenergy information is transmitted not only through the spinal cord, but also through the water solution contained in a living cell and through the intercellular walls.

And even simpler…
As a result of negative stimuli (e.g., a blow, temperature, stress, etc.) the flow of energy information is blocked between a given system, an organ, and the brain, and the other way around. And here we need to emphasize that for the proper functioning of our organism, we need an internal power that enables biochemical and biophysical transformations. The transformations cause a disintegration or integration of components necessary for life. It should be remembered that a proper circulation and movement of electrons provides energy needed for the processes of analysis and synthesis. To regulate the flow of electrons various methods are used: gymnastics, massages, acupuncture, all kinds of water treatments, psychotherapy, hypnosis, medicines, etc. Each of the methods, however, affects only one system or a groups of systems – never all of them. A typical example is a generally understood medicine. It affects one system but damages another one, and so the lesser evil is chosen. Thanks to the properties listed in the beginning the Dino-96 substrate may lift the energy information blockades within the entire spine and remove disturbances in the flow of electrons.  

Is it possible to obtain such a product as Dino-96 using a chemical, synthetic method?
In practice it is impossible. Theoretically, the chemical formula may be the same but (what is most important) it is not possible to reproduce the natural stereochemistry, i.e., the spatial arrangement of the molecular bonds in such configurations as it is in our body.

From what you are saying we can derive a simple conclusion: as bacteria and viruses are also living organisms,   Dino-96 should act on them, too.
Of course, it should. They also get energy information based on which they will be functioning or will change their form or will just withdraw from a given area of the body.

Can you prove it in practice?
A practical confirmation of those theories is not a problem at all, but this needs to be done in clinical conditions. This can be easiest evidenced in the case of poisoning, injuries considered to be incurable and when there is a danger of amputation. This may be of a particular importance to combating tropical diseases, for example, at a European from whose body the bacteria and viruses for which it is a foreign environment may withdraw.

So why don’t you cooperate with the Tropical Medicine Institute at the Coast?
No body of scientists will ever agree to the research on something that has not been invented by themselves. They have no respect for new solutions.  We have proposed that subject to the Institute but it was rejected. Why to bother and work more?